Teachers Lab
For those interested in deepening your practice, honing your teaching skills and becoming a (better) teacher.
Teachers Programme
Our Teaching program provides a thorough grounding in the art, science, and philosophy of teaching yoga in the lineage of Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar.
It provides a foundation for becoming a certified Iyengar yoga teacher. Students in this program learn progressively within a supportive community, develop teaching skills, and refine their practice throughout a 6-module program over several years.
Learn and Build:
Deepened self-awareness through practice and self-study
Teaching proficiency in a time-honoured, respected methodology
Skillful means to communicate the art and science of yoga
Observation, correction and adjustment skills
Practical experience in body mechanics in Asana
Clarity of purpose and meaning of teaching in the Iyengar tradition
Connection to the Iyengar Yoga community and lineage
Program Requirements
The program is open to students of Iyengar Yoga with maturity in practice, curiosity to learn, and passion to share the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.
Applicants must have:
Recommended 3 years of continuous study in Iyengar Yoga classes with a certified Iyengar yoga teacher
A clear commitment to the Iyengar method and becoming a certified Iyengar yoga teacher
Stability and maturity in Intermediate classes
Time and space in your life for home practice
A letter of recommendation from your primary certified Iyengar yoga teacher
Membership of the Norwegian Iyengar Yoga Foreningen - email
Over a minimum of three years, the program includes a range of topics in an inclusive community of engaged practitioners. Topics include:
Teaching skills
Sequencing, Pacing, and Linking
Observation and Correction
Modifications and adjustments
Yoga Philosophy and its practical application
Ethics and practical application in the classroom
The program emphasises practice, experiential learning, and intensive study as the means to evolve practical knowledge of yoga. There will be required homework for each module. Regular attendance with your teacher is an essential aspect of the program to ensure consistency and get support for your regular home practice. You will be asked to start teaching in your second or third year to a small group, under the guidance of your teacher.
The workshops provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn in both teacher and student roles. Participants will gain an understanding of their strengths and challenges among supportive peers and senior teachers.
For Level 1 there will now be an apprenticeship programme. Contact Brigitta directly
2025 Weekends Levelling Up
For those who are already teaching and who want to hone their skills to practice and teach the level 2 poses. And maybe work towards the level 2 assessment.
28 Feb - 2 March at Raus Yoga in Østerås
4 - 6 April at Raus Yoga in Østerås 9 - 11 May at Raus Yoga in Østerås
The weekend provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn in both teacher and student roles. Participants will gain an understanding of their strengths and challenges among supportive peers and senior teachers.
Application Process
When the above-mentioned requirements are met kindly send an email to Brigitta and request an application form. Please attach your letter of recommendation from your Iyengar Yoga teacher.
We ask for the commitment of a year for new student teachers.
Certificated teachers, who want to deepen their practice and hone their teaching skills, can join per weekend, place permitting. It is recommended you sign up well in advance.
There is a limited number of places for these sessions and we expect you to prepare, so register promptly so that you will receive the homework in time.
Obtaining your Teaching Certification
This Teaching Program is an IYFNO (Iyengar Yoga Foreniging Norge) approved teacher education program. Students completing the program are not awarded a certificate, nor are they able to identify themselves as Iyengar Yoga teachers. IYFNO is the organization that carries out all aspects of Iyengar Yoga teacher certification in Norway and Sweden. Students interested in pursuing certification can find detailed information at https://iyfno.no/